
Parts"I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your prompt service, especially the fantastic job you did last night. The expectations of our customers are sometimes extremely demanding. However, with your quick and courteous service we are able to keep up with these demands." --A valued customer

Parts"To all, I would like to say how much I really appreciate all the extra effort that is done by the staff at Wire Specialists when it is needed the most. In a quick turn around business like ours, it makes my job a lot easier to have a vendor like you that I can depend on. You do an excellent job and your quality and service are top of the line in my book." --A valued customer

Parts"I would like to thank you for your efforts in making my very demanding delivery schedule happen! To respond as you did is indeed noteworthy. To receive a call Sunday afternoon and agree to work all Sunday night to get my job out the door and production ready for Monday morning is outstanding! The work was done precisely and exactly as I had asked. There is no doubt that customer service is not a forgotten term at Wire Specialists." --A valued customer

Contact Information

Please give us a call or e-mail us today to receive a quote on your next project involving Wire EDM, EDM Hole Drilling, CNC Machining or Grinding.

Phone: 262-790-9818
Address: 12570 W. Lisbon Road, Brookfield, WI  53005

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